Book’s presentation at the bookshop “Libreria Friuli” in Udine

The second presentation on Italian soil of the thriller “The Prince in the Ice” (Il Principe nel Ghiaccio) by Riccardo Cesca and Emanuele Bossi took place at the Bookshop Friuli in Udine at 6 PM. The public partook actively in the event and later in the discussion with the authors. At the end, the writers signed copies of the book …

First official presentation of the thriller “The Prince in the Ice” at Forni di Sopra

The first official presentation on Italian soil of the thriller “The Prince in the Ice” (Il Principe nel Ghiaccio) by Riccardo Cesca and Emanuele Bossi took place at the lovely mountainous village Forni di Sopra on Sunday, June 12th, at 12 PM. A beautiful sunny day gave the writers the chance to present their first thriller at the Piazza del …

Upcoming presentation of the thriller “The Prince in the Ice” at Forni di Sopra

The writers Riccardo Cesca and Emanuele Bossi will present the thriller “The Prince in the Ice” (Il Principe nel Ghiaccio) on June 12th at 12 PM at the lovely mountainous settlement Forni di Sopra on Piazza del Municipio Vecchio * on occasion of the Festa delle Erbe di Primavera ( This event will take place a couple of days before …